Water Quality & Conservation

- The Texas State Water Plan projects that water demand will increase by 22% over the next 50 years as Texas’s population nearly doubles.
- Urbanization blocks the natural replenishment of water to aquifers, which supply 59% of water used in Texas, and increases water pollution. Use the Texas Water Fact Sheet to learn about the need for smart water use.
- Water supplies are also vital to keeping habitat for birds and wildlife healthy. The decisions we make about water can impact ecosystems hundreds of miles downstream. Our bays and estuaries are at increased risk of degradation as the increased demand for fresh water decreases flows to the coast. Birds like the endangered Whooping Crane depend on these fragile coastal habitats for their survival.
Learn more about the water conservation issues in your community:
- Watering restrictions have become the norm in many communities. Different municipalities have different standards for Water Restriction Stages; find out about your community’s latest water conservation efforts.
- Do you know where your water comes from? It’s not always the closest water source to your home. Find out where your community gets its water.
- What’s your water footprint? Use this tool to calculate your average household water use and learn about ways you can save water and money!
Explore the Conserve Texas Water story map to find detailed water information for your city and tips for each metropolitan area:

Water Quality & Conservation
After the record-breaking drought of 2011, Texans are more conscious than ever of the need for water conservation and protecting water quality.
Clean Air & Energy
Our state ranks among the highest per capita energy usage in the nation, and this takes a toll on Texas air quality. Energy conservation can save you money and improve our air.
Connection to Nature & Place
Texas abounds with opportunities to spend time in the great outdoors, but urban lifestyle often disconnects people from nature and leads to a decrease in quality of life.
Native Habitats & Ecosystems
Though Texas is one of the most bio-diverse states in the country, population growth and increasing development put ecosystems at risk.
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