View from the Birdhouse

New Year, New Name!

New Year, New Name!

Audubon’s Conservation Leaders Program for Young Women Gets A New Name

Bird City Texas Communities Come Together.

Bird City Texas Communities Come Together

By Sharing Community Practices, Participating and Interested Communities Can Build Upon Their Local Initiatives to Protect Birds and the Places They Live.

Stories of Chester Island

Stories of Chester Island

Chester Smith was known to be a trustworthy person who loved the outdoors and had a “get it done” attitude. After the first interview in early 1986, a match was made and Chester became the first Audubon Coastal Warden of Sundown Island.

Donor Spotlight

Donor Spotlight

A trip to Green Island in South Texas in the early 2000’s inspired Jan Roberts to begin supporting Audubon Texas’s coastal program.

Audubon Conservation Leaders (ACL) program wrapped it’s eighth year with a splash!

Audubon Conservation Leaders (ACL) program wrapped it’s eighth year with a splash!

This year’s program, themed ‘Coasts,’ aligns with the Audubon Texas centennial anniversary of formal conservation and stewardship efforts.

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