HoursThe property is open 7 days a week from 7:00 AM to 5:00 PM. The entry fees are $5 per person. You may also email us .
Many of our partners are working to protect or conserve wildlife and wildlife habitats and we show our support in a big way. TERN volunteers pitch in on partner workdays, bird surveys, special events, and outreach booths and festivities and learn about these local organizations and how their efforts are making our world a better place.
Learning science outdoors is exciting and makes it easier for children to understand concepts that are difficult to grasp in the classroom.
[img:17481|align:left|caption:]As South Texas has grown more developed and fragmented, Sabal Palm’s natural habitat has become critical to the numerous species of birds, mammals, reptiles, and other wildlife
CorporateCall 512.236.9076 for more information. Community Partners$25,000 – Platinum Wing