The ecosystems along the U.S. border with Mexico are intensely rich in birds and natural beauty. They generate hundreds of millions of dollars in ecotourism and other economic benefits every year, and they support vibrant human communities. That’s no surprise: Healthy ecosystems contribute to healthy bird populations and healthy human communities alike. The wellbeing of birds and of people are deeply intertwined, and that’s why Audubon has worked for decades to protect birds and the places they need. Of course, healthy human communities also depend on strong local culture, good jobs, public health, and the rule of law.
As the voice of birds and as a community-builder for 113 years, Audubon opposes the construction of structures along the border that would:
- destroy or fragment important bird habitat, including iconic National Wildlife Refuges (like Santa Ana NWR in Texas), National Parks, National Forests, other public lands, or protected wetlands;
- block migration corridors for 89 endangered species and 108 species of migratory birds;
- create or worsen environmental risks like flooding that would threaten birds and people;
- result in waiving or weakening bedrock environmental protections, including the Migratory Bird Treaty Act, the Endangered Species Act, the Clean Water Act, or the National Environmental Policy Act;
- diminish outdoor recreation or ecotourism opportunities;
- sever connections between communities and natural resources; or
- harm the communities, landowners, tribes, or organizations with whom we partner and among whom we serve.
Millions of Americans from all walks of life love birds and understand the connections between birds and people. The community of bird-lovers is a big tent, and Audubon is committed to growing that community even further. We welcome everyone who finds delight in birds and nature. Audubon believes that conservation doesn’t have a party and that bird issues bring us together. At a time when America needs more common ground, we are proud of our bipartisan/big-tent tradition, and we’re committed to welcoming birders from all walks of life.