November 3rd and 4th
Saturday - Bastrop Sound Sanctuary, 1902 Chestnut St. Bastrop, TX 78602
Hornsby Bend Field Trip with Travis Audubon Society 7:30 am - 11:00 am
Trip Description: The Hornsby Bend Biosolids Management Plant plays a key role in sustaining Austin’s environment by recycling Austin's biosolids and yard trimmings. Hornsby Bend is also nationally known for its biodiversity, ecotourism, and one of the best birding sites in Texas. Various habitat types can be found at Hornsby. Several large waste treatment ponds provide open water habitat for water fowl and the edges of the ponds provide habitat for wading and shorebirds. Hornsby is located adjacent to the Colorado River where riparian areas provide habitat for migratory passerine species. More information about the site can be found by clicking on the following link:
We will consolidate participants into as few vehicles as possible so that we can drive and stop a various locations along pond levees. We will also walk on trails in riparian areas that are on relatively flat land. Flying insects and mosquitoes can occur here and numbers vary according to conditions. Chiggers may occur in grassy areas along riparian corridors but in November they hopefully will have subsided. Participants should bring water and bug spray. Bathrooms are available at the Environmental Research Building when we start but we won't have access to bathrooms after we begin the trip. Participants should wear sturdy footwear for the trip. Actual walking distances usually don't exceed a mile.
Lake Bastrop Field Trip with Bastrop Audubon Society 1:30 - 5:00 pm
Trip Description:
Our Saturday afternoon field trip will be to Lake Bastrop. Created in 1964, Lake Bastrop covers over 900 acres and has a maximum depth of 60 feet. There are separate entrances for the north shore and the south shore, with the south shore also hosting the headquarters complex and a meeting facility.
The lake offers opportunities for seasonal water birds, with Osprey and Bald Eagle always possible. The north shore has a small beach where various sandpipers can be found, and the occasional American Avocet or Black-necked Stilt might turn up. Cattails offer up the possibility of finding Swamp Sparrow, Common Yellowthroat, and Marsh Wren. No promises, but Ringed Kingfisher has been spotted from time to time.
The south shore features more accessible shoreline, and so can be better at times for ducks and other winter waterfowl. There is a covered bird blind with seating located at the south shore, which includes multiple feeding stations and a water feature which we will check. Several miles of woodland trails connect the north and south shore parks, and we will survey some of these for wintering warblers and other passerine species.
Lake Bastrop is also famous for a 1995 visitor that stayed for several months - Blue-footed Booby. Now, I can't promise there will be a Blue-footed Booby, but I also can't say there won't be one. Come bird with us Saturday, and let's see what we can find.
Contact: Mike Goebel ,, Cell - 512-629-1057
Meeting location: Bastrop Sound Sanctuary, 1902 Chestnut Street (aka Highway 21), park behind building
The Sound Sanctuary is just east of Hwy 95/Hwy 21 intersection, if you reach Bastrop State Park, you went too far. This will be our dinner location, so it will be convenient to car pool to the lake from here and return.
Duration: Plan to arrive at the Sound Sanctuary by 1:30 pm as we will depart for Lake Bastrop a little before 2:00 pm. The field trip will be approximately three hours in duration, and will end promptly at 5:00 pm.
Keynote Address by Sarah Greenberger, Senior Vice President of Conservation Policy at the National Audubon Society. Followed by dinner at Bastrop Sound Sanctuary 5:30
Sunday - McKinney Roughs Nature Park, State Highway 71 West, Cedar Creek, TX
Light Breakfast 7:30 - 8:30
Welcome and Orientation 9:00 - 10:30
"What is the latest with Audubon Texas" with Suzanne Langley
Group Action: Leading in Advocacy Together
Session 1A: Birds, Wildlife, and the Border Wall - How to be an advocate in your community 10:45 - 12:00
Session 1B: Bird City Texas - Does your city make the cut? 10:45 - 12:00
Lunch Q&A with Suzanne Langley (Executive Director of Audubon Texas) and David Ringer (Chief Network Officer)
Session 2A: Climate Watch at Home + Field Trip Using Climate Watch Outdoors 1:00 - 2:30
Session 2B: Recovering Americas Wildlife Act - A Bold Vision 1:00 - 2:30
Networking Break 2:30 - 3:00