
Coastal Partners

Many of our partners are working to protect or conserve wildlife and wildlife habitats and we show our support in a big way. TERN volunteers pitch in on partner workdays, bird surveys, special events, and outreach booths and festivities and learn about these local organizations and how their efforts are making our world a better place.

Our partners on the Coast include:

American Bird Conservancy
College of the Mainland
Coastal Bend Bay Estuaries Program
Centerpoint Energy
Ducks Unlimited
Environmental Institute of Houston (UHCL) 
Friends of Anahuac NWR 
Friends of GISP 
Galveston Bay Foundation 
Galveston Bay Estuary Program 
Galveston County Extension Office 
Galveston Island Nature Tourism Council 
Galveston Island Convention & Visitors Bureau 
Gulf Coast Bird Observatory 
Houston Audubon 
NRG Energy 
Port of Galveston 
San Antonio Bay Foundation 
Texas Parks and Wildlife Dept. 
Texas General Land Office 
TAMU Galveston
TAMU Corpus Christi 
Texas Master Naturalist- Galveston Bay Chapter
TMN-Midcoast Chapter
Turtle Island Restoration Network
The Nature Conservacy
The Wildlife Center of Texas

How you can help, right now