
Reflecting on the Success of the 28th Annual Great Texas Birding Classic

by Shelly Plante - Nature Tourism Manager, Texas Parks and Wildlife Department, Austin Texas 

Published July 25, 2024

  The 28th Annual Great Texas Birding Classic was a resounding success! This spring, from April 15 to May 15, Texas saw a record number of Birding Classic teams participating, with 1,250 birders on 212 teams out birding across the state. The official team standings are now posted on the Birding Classic website for those eager to see the results and team totals.  

 Every year, I take a moment post-Birding Classic to reflect on what makes this event continue to thrive nearly three decades later. The answer is quite simple: partnerships, passion, and collaboration.  

 Passion is the driving force behind birders and outdoor enthusiasts. They are captivated by the outdoors, are enthusiastic about learning, and understanding these feathered wonders. Birdsong, flashes of color, intricate camouflage, mating and feeding behaviors, habitat conservation, and so much more compel birders to delve deeper into the natural world. This passion is crucial and fosters a powerful sense of loyalty among teams who return year after year. For instance, Bill Baker, part of a Statewide Weeklong team, shared, “We met so many wonderful birders from all over the country and beyond. I cannot wait to do it again.” Families also cherish the time spent together, like Christy Westbrook, who participated with her grandkids on a Sunrise to Noon team and remarked, “Thanks for a great excuse to get my grandsons out of the house and away from screens for a few hours.”  

 Each year, new teams join the Birding Classic, ranging from novices to seasoned birders looking to elevate their birdwatching skills in a competitive setting. I love hearing why teams choose to participate. For example, this was Rebekah Newman’s first year on a registered team, and she took it up a notch by entering two different teams (a Big Sit and a Sunrise to Noon team!) She said, “We are looking forward to participating this year! We have watched this event each year and ‘participated’ remotely, so we are excited to be official for the first time.”  

 While passion fuels the birders, the event's ongoing success is rooted in partnerships and collaborations. As the event coordinator, there is only so much I can do alone. By partnering with organizations and individuals, the Birding Classic thrives and grows beyond what I could achieve solo. Sponsorships from the Texas Ornithological Society fund over a dozen youth teams each year, enabling teachers and mentors across the state to introduce kids to birding. Toyota’s partnership provides additional conservation grants for on-the-ground habitat conservation. Audubon Texas ensures we have an Awards Ceremony each year, both in person and virtually, allowing us to connect and share our experiences in meaningful ways. The support from these partners is indispensable!  

 In addition to these sponsorships, many teams bring in their own sponsors, increasing the funds available through Birding Classic conservation grants. The 2024 Birding Classic raised $52,000 in conservation grants, our largest grant total in over a decade. Several winning teams had the honor of selecting conservation grant recipients. All funded projects support avian habitat restoration, enhancement, or acquisition throughout Texas. Details of funded projects can be found online.  

Collaborations with past participants have also been vital in keeping the Birding Classic relevant and growing. By maintaining open lines of communication with participants and sponsors, we receive valuable ideas on how to improve the event and add new categories. Innovations like the Big Sit and Sunrise to Noon categories stem directly from participant suggestions. Expanding the Sunrise to Noon Tournament from a statewide to a regional event this year resulted from collaboration with longtime participants. This ongoing dialogue and relationship-building are key to our success.  

 I am deeply grateful for the community that supports the Birding Classic. Our achievements over the years are due to these relationships and partnerships. I look forward to nurturing this event and all its wonderful aspects, and I hope you will join me on this journey. Registration opens on April 1, 2025, for the 29th annual event. Want to join the fun? Start planning now to join the Birding Classic next Spring!  

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