Since 1923, Audubon Texas has managed and protected bird rookery islands along the Texas Coast. We established our first bird sanctuaries at Green Island and the Vingt-et-un Islands in 1923, and today we lease or own 175 islands along the coast. In partnership with the Coastal Bend Bays and Estuaries Program and Houston Audubon Society, we steward these islands by patrolling and monitoring bird populations during nesting season and managing the habitat during the non-nesting season. Audubon-managed island sanctuaries are home to 20+ species of colonial waterbirds, and the majority of waterbirds that nest along the Texas coast nest on an Audubon-owned or -leased island.
Our coastal sanctuaries host some of the largest Reddish Egret and Roseate Spoonbill colonies in the world. Stretching over 367 miles, the Texas coast provides wintering grounds and stop over sites for many species of long-distance migratory birds. The coast faces mounting challenges from erosion, loss of habitat and increased storm impacts. It is our goal at Audubon Texas to protect existing coastal habitats while also working to build new bird habitats to sustain populations into the future. We are focused on linking the choices we make inland to their impacts on the Texas coast.
Download our Texas Watershed and Coastline maps attached below...

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