Chapters & Centers

Dogwood Canyon Audubon Center

Nestled in geologically-unique canyon full of rare species in Cedar Hill, TX.
Chapters & Centers

Dogwood Canyon Audubon Center

Nestled in geologically-unique canyon full of rare species in Cedar Hill, TX.

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Located 20 minutes from downtown Dallas and Fort Worth in Cedar Hill, Dogwood Canyon is part of the White Rock Escarpment. Nowhere in North Texas can one find a greater variety of rare species than in Dogwood Canyon. Plants and animals from east, west and central Texas converge here, making the Canyon the only place in the world where one can find the Black-chinned Hummingbird of west Texas nesting in the flowering dogwood tree of east Texas.

Since 2011, Dogwood Canyon Audubon Center has been welcoming visitors to its sanctuaries and inviting them to participate in nature education programs. This innovative approach—preserving open space not just to protect wildlife and native habitat from people, but to actively engage people in its conservation through learning and exploration—served as a model for Audubon and other nature education centers nationwide and influenced the development of place-based experiential learning as a highly effective pedagogical practice.

Dogwood Canyon Audubon Center
1206 West F.M. 1382 
Cedar Hill, TX 75104

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