Belize Birding Adventure
Join us on the birding adventure of a lifetime, in beautiful Belize, March 7-16, 2014.
Though small in size, Belize is ideal for birders; the population density is low and much of its land is protected. Delve into the myriad habitats - including wetlands, Caribbean cayes, primary rainforest, and pine savannah - that offer protection to a wide array of avifauna, all while discovering the natural and cultural history that make Belize unique in Central America and the world.
Program highlights:
•Hike the multiple habitats of the Crooked Tree Wildlife Sanctuary, established in 1984 by the Belize Audubon Society.
•Visit the ruins of Lamanai, once a ceremonial center of the Maya civilization, and look for Collared Aracaris, Snail Kites, and tanagers.
•See the rookeries at Man O'War Caye, a major nesting site for Magnificent Frigatebirds and also home to a community of Brown Boobies.
•Explore Cockscomb Basin Wildlife Sanctuary, home to such species as the Ornate Hawk-Eagle, Keel-billed Motmot, and Crested Guan.
View the Trip Details PDF to see the itinerary, learn about trip leader Dr. Tania Homayoun, and read the fine print.
To register for this 10-day exploration of Belize's birding hotspots, visit
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